Retrospective : 2014 in pictures

2014 was a year full of events and emotions and it was the year of challenges for me. I like to say that it was the nicest and the hardest season I had to go through. After a year off, going back to training was sometimes physically very tough. The body gets used training and to doing nothing ! I had to fight hard to feel fit again but I knew why I was coming back. 2014 was for me a renewal year. New sport project with the French Eight. New project at work with SNCF (French Railway Company). I was highly motivated but aware of all the challenges I was about to face.

It started well with a 4th place at the 2013 Head Of the Charles Regatta with the French Eight, some convincing seat-races in the pair in December 2013 and a 5'52 on my 2k erg. 2014. The flipside of the coin hit me hard. Old enmities, internal problems, problems of communication in the group led me to be out of a project I believed in. The 2014 winter training was the hardest I had to do. As soon as you doubt, it is hard to stay focused and to believe in what you do. I needed a new challenge to pick myself up. Canada was my « New Deal ». A childhood dream came true and my 2014 season was one of my best. Getting used to a new life style, to a new training program, to new teammates, so many challenges to overcome and they are the promise of a great 2015 season.

I wish you all a happy new year. Thanks for being part of 2014...
The adventure goes on in 2015...


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From the double scull to the pair – Saint Cassien, France, February 2014

After years of sculling with Cedric Berrest, it is in a pair that we started that 2014 season together. One goal : get a spot on the french eight.



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World Cup II – Aiguebelette, France, June 2014

It was not under the french colors but under the canadian ones that I raced in Aiguebelette. I have fondness for that lake. I finished 6th in single scull in front of a cheering crowd. Looking forward to World Champs in 2015 on this very lake.



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French Long Boats Nationals – Bourges, France, June 2014

My 12th national title, the 10th one for Toulouse in the quadruple scull. An emotional moment for my last race with Cédric Berrest.



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2014 Holland Beker – Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2014

A 2nd place behind the Dutch Roel Braas. This was my fastest race ever in single scull in 6'46''1.


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Henley Royal Regatta – Henley-on-Thames, GB, July 2014

By far the most atypical victory of my rowing career. For this 175th regatta, I was a last-minute substitute for an injured Rogier Blink and I had never been in a boat with Mitchel Steenman (my brother-in-law)before the eve of our first race. We improved race after race to end up in a final against the south african pair. It was my 3rd victory in Henley.



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World Championships – Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 2014

After 3 world champsionships in a quadruple scull, 3 others in a double scull, I had to start one day in a single scull. On the Bosbaan, I had some really good races to only just miss the final finishing 4th in my semifinal. I finished 10th overall and I left Amsterdam with a unique experience.



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Moving to Canada – Victoria, BC, Canada, September 2014

I stayed in Europe during the World Cup season to train and to get ready to move to Canada. Since September I live on the West Coast where I train at the Victoria Training Center (VTC), one of the two canadian rowing centers.



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Head Of The Charles – Boston, MA, USA, October 2014

My good results in single scull in 2014 as well as my performance in the pair in Henley gave me the opportunity to be part of the « Great Eight » crew. This crew is made of the best scullers around the world. An incredible experience and a tremendous race that we won over the « Great Sweep Eight ».